Campaign Encourages North Texans to Bike Walk and Drive Safely


21 tips can help people look out for one another on region’s roads

Brian Wilson
(Arlington, Texas) – The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and its partners are working to make sure that as the region continues to grow, the roads are safe, no matter how residents choose to use them.

Starting this spring, North Texans will see advertising and messaging for Look Out Texans, a regional public education and outreach safety campaign encouraging people to bike, walk and drive safely together. The campaign highlights 21 tips to keep people safe and features North Texans sharing their stories about the importance of looking out for others on the road.

This campaign comes at a time when fatal motor vehicle crashes involving people bicycling and walking are increasing in North Texas. Between 2018 and 2022, there were more than 9,300 crashes reported involving a pedestrian or a bicyclist, more than 900 of which were fatal according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

NCTCOG is coordinating the regional safety campaign for cities and transportation partners across the region. This effort involves working with local agencies to distribute Look Out Texans safety tips and testimonial videos on social media platforms and local government access channels, as well as articles and news stories about how and why it is important to practice safe behaviors while using the region’s roadways. The campaign prominently features safety tips to help people understand how bicyclists, walkers and drivers should interact together to improve safety for all road users.

For example, people bicycling should follow the same traffic rules as vehicles: ride in the same direction as traffic, always stop at traffic signals and stop signs and use hand signals to notify others of maneuvers like turning, changing lanes, and stopping.

Pedestrians must be alert and visible. They should always cross streets at crosswalks and intersections where they can gauge traffic and be visible. Before crossing at crosswalks, pedestrians should make eye contact with drivers to ensure they are seen. Historically, nearly two-thirds of pedestrian crashes and 80% of fatal crashes happen at night or in dark lighting conditions. Pedestrians should wear reflective materials and white or bright colors to increase visibility to motorists.

For drivers, it is necessary to allow at least three feet when passing someone on a bicycle. State law allows bicyclists to ride on roadways and use the middle of a lane. Drivers must also look out for walkers, always yielding to crossing pedestrians. Drivers should remember that people walking, bicycling and driving in North Texas are their neighbors and friends. They may be your dentist or your child’s little league coach. We are all connected.

Growing interest in walking and bicycling among people of all ages demonstrates the need for safety education. Learning how to walk and bike safely is especially important for children. Planned school outreach will begin later this year and complement the efforts of other campaigns to promote safe walking and bicycling for children. For example, Bike & Roll to School Day is taking place on May 8. Schools can join the nationwide movement by registering at

These efforts enhance the work of local, state and federal transportation partners focused on improving safety for all road users through roadway design solutions and greater awareness of how people can bike, walk and drive safely. Later this year, NCTCOG will begin roadway safety audits to study corridors throughout the region with the greatest frequency of crashes and fatalities. The goal of this effort is to identify and implement safety countermeasures that will address contributing factors associated with crashes occurring in those areas.

To see all 21 safety tips that will be highlighted around the region and learn more about the Look Out Texans campaign, visit Follow the campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #LookOutTexans.

About the North Central Texas Council of Governments:
NCTCOG is a voluntary association of local governments established in 1966 to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit and coordinating for sound regional development. NCTCOG's purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication and make joint decisions.
NCTCOG serves a 16-county region of North Central Texas, which is centered on the two urban centers of Dallas and Fort Worth. Currently, NCTCOG has 238 member governments including 16 counties, 169 cities, 22 school districts and 31 special districts. For more information on the NCTCOG Transportation Department, visit