TOD Resources and Research

This page contains links to relevant research publication and best practice guides on TOD through local and national organizations.


University of Texas at Arlington Transit-Oriented Development Report, 2011

NCTCOG’s TOD Research Resources Annotated Bibliography with links

2018 ULI North Texas TOD Product Council   TOD Market Potential Inventory 
Data Matrix


Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) TOD Policy and publications on TOD around DART rail.   Transit-Oriented Development (

The TOD Technical Assistance Initiative is a project of the Federal Transit Administration administered by Smart Growth America that provides on-the-ground and online technical assistance to support transit-oriented development, improve access to public transportation, and build new economic opportunities and pathways to employment for local communities.

List of TOD  training and resources includes FTA-funded webinars, online tools, and training courses, and related efforts sponsored by other federal agencies, non-profits, and other stakeholder groups.