2014 Transportation Alternatives Program Call for Projects

The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) was authorized under Section 1122 of MAP – 21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (the current transportation funding and authorization bill) and provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives. TAP is similar to the former Transportation Enhancement (TE) and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs.

Approximately $28 million is anticipated to be available to fund TAP projects in the 12-county North Central Texas Council of Governments' (NCTCOG) Metropolitan Planning Area. General types of projects eligible under this program include on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, improved safety and access to schools, and boulevards and similar multimodal roadways. 

2014 Awarded and Funded Projects (North Central Texas Region)

On October 9, 2014 the Regional Transportation Council approved 33 Transportation Alternatives Program projects that fall within NCTCOG's Metropolitan Planning Area.

Click here for a list of funded projects in the region.
Click here for a map of the funded project locations.