Transportation and Air Quality Funding Archive

Air Quality Funding at a Glance

For more information on the specific funding initiatives, see the detailed descriptions found below.


NCTCOG-Distributed Funding including the total vehicle equipment and technology grant funding awarded from 2006 to 2022

North Texas Diesel Emissions Reduction 2023 Call for Partners

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) anticipates submitting a proposal on behalf of the North Central Texas area.  To identify specific projects, NCTCOG opened the North Texas Diesel Emissions Reduction 2023 Call for Partners (CFP) to seek activities to be a part of the NCTCOG grant proposal submitted to EPA.  This CFP funded replacement of existing diesel-powered medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles or equipment to newer, cleaner vehicles or equipment operating in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) ten-county ozone nonattainment area and areas of air toxics concern housing goods movement and transportation hubs. The NCTCOG proposal will implement projects aimed at reducing emissions from existing fleets of diesel vehicles at locations such as airports, rail yards, terminals, or distribution centers which have been identified as focus areas by the EPA.  All projects must address existing diesel emissions occurring in areas associated with goods movement. 


Electric Vehicle Charging Station Call for Projects

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) offered grant funding for the installation of Level 2 and Direct Current Fast Charge (DCFC) electric vehicle charging stations. Eligible applicants included public sector entities (e.g., local governments, transit agencies, school districts, public college or university campuses, etc.) in the NCTCOG region. Charging infrastructure must be installed on property owned by the eligible applicant and located within the 10-county ozone nonattainment area. This includes sites within Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, and Wise counties. Eligible applicants must have adopted a policy consistent with the Regional Transportation Council's (RTC) Clean Fleet Policy or similar policy.     


2023 Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Call for Partners

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), which hosts the Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Coalition (DFWCC), requested partnership proposals from Project Teams who wanted to team up with NCTCOG to compete for federal or state grant funding to build publicly accessible zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) electric charging or and/or hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Sites requested were designed to enable use of medium- and heavy-duty ZEVs.    


Clean Fleets North Texas 2020 Call for Projects

NCTCOG offered funding of approximately $660,000 for public fleets and private companies that contract with local governments operating in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) 10-county ozone nonattainment area.  Funded projects reduce vehicle emissions and help the DFW region meet federal ozone standards. 


North Texas Emissions Reduction Project Call for Projects

NCTCOG offered funding of approximately $2.5 million for private companies operating in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) 10-county ozone nonattainment area.  Funded projects reduce vehicle emissions and help the DFW region meet federal ozone standards. 


Clean Fleets North Texas 2019 Call for Projects

NCTCOG offered funding of approximately $2 million for public fleets and private companies that contract with local governments operating in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) 10-county ozone nonattainment area.  Funded projects reduce vehicle emissions and help the DFW region meet federal ozone standards. 


Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 Call for Projects

NCTCOG offered funding of approximately $1.5 million for public fleets and private companies that contract with local governments operating in the DFW 10-county ozone nonattainment area.  Funded projects reduce vehicle emissions and help the DFW region meet federal ozone standards. 

Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects

The North Central Texas Council of Governments made approximately $2.5 million in grant funds available for the Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects.  This Call for Projects funded on-road vehicle projects for public and private fleets operating in the Dallas-Fort Worth 10-county ozone nonattainment area and sought to reduce vehicle emissions to help the DFW region meet federal ozone standards. 


North Texas Green and Go Partnership

This program has offered two funding initiatives to incentivize taxi owners or operators to reduce emissions from their vehicles by converting their vehicles to a cleaner fuel or purchasing a cleaner vehicle.


2006 Clean Fleets Vehicle Call for Projects

Through this grant program, the RTC provided funding to public sector entities for clean vehicle projects that reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the ozone non-attainment area.  Eligible project types included new purchases, replacements, retrofits, repowers, and conversions of heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles.

Construction Equipment Funding Initiatives

NCTCOG offered grant funding for projects that reduce emissions from non-road construction equipment through equipment replacement, repower, or retrofit.


Idle Reduction Funding Initiatives

NCTCOG has periodically offered grant funding for projects that reduced idling from both light-duty and heavy-duty on-road vehicles and non-road equipment.  Both on-board and on-site idle reduction projects have been eligible.


School Bus Funding Initiatives

NCTCOG has periodically offered grant funding for projects that reduce emissions from school buses in the NCTCOG service area.  Eligible projects typically include bus replacement, repower, and retrofit; in recent years installation of EPA-verified idle reduction devices has also been eligible.


Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Partnership Programs

2009-2010 Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Equipment Grant Program
NCTCOG partnered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to implement approximately $11.6 million of Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) projects through this program. Eligible projects included, but were not limited to, retrofit, repower, replacement, or new purchase/lease of on-road heavy-duty vehicles, non-road vehicles/equipment, locomotives, and stationary engines from both public and private sector entities


2006-2007 North Texas Emission Reduction Grant Program
NCTCOG partnered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to implement approximately $5.7 million of Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) projects through this program. Eligible projects included, but were not limited to, retrofit, repower, replacement, or new purchase/lease of on-road heavy-duty vehicles, non-road vehicles/equipment, locomotives, and stationary engines from both public and private sector entities.

2006 Regional Refuse Hauler Program
NCTCOG partnered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to implement approximately $11.5 million in projects to reduce emissions from refuse haulers through vehicle replacement, repower, retrofit, or installation of idle reduction technology.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Clean Vehicle and Infrastructure Funding Call for Partners

NCTCOG submitted applications on behalf of the region for clean vehicle and infrastructure funding made available under the ARRA.  Both public and private fleets were represented through these proposals. 

ARRA - Department of Energy (DOE) Emphasis Areas
In May 2009, NCTCOG submitted one proposal to DOE for funding made available through ARRA for the Clean Cities FY09 Petroleum Reduction Technologies Projects for the Transportation Sector, Area of Interest 04. The proposal was awarded by DOE and the project was completed in early 2014.  

​ARRA - Clean Diesel Emphasis Area
In April 2009, NCTCOG submitted 12 proposals to the Environmental Protection Agency for funding made available through ARRA for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. Project 1 and Project 4 were awarded by EPA and were completed in late 2011.


Clean Fleets North Texas: Recovery Act Call for Projects

NCTCOG offered grant funds to government entity fleets for projects which increased the use of alternative fuels and advanced technology vehicles through funding made available by the State Energy Conservation Office.