Test Committee 1

The Air Transportation Advisory Committee was convened to assist the NCTCOG Executive Board and Regional Transportation Council on issues related to general aviation, heliports, and air cargo.  The Committee oversees the Regional General Aviation and Heliport System Plan and advises NCTCOG staff on regionally significant issues affecting the general aviation and heliport system.

Operating Guidelines

ATAC Roster



The North Texas Aerospace and Aviation Talent Pipeline Study addresses the current and future workforce needs in the aerospace and aviation sectors in North Texas, with a focus on the ability of regional education and training systems' preparedness to fulfill workforce demand.  Published by Workforce Solutions in collaboration with the DFW Regional Aerospace Consortium.  Please visit www.workforcesolutions.net for more information.

Airport Funding Dashboard
This tool was developed to assist in tracking regional airport grant funding. Content is updated by staff as new data becomes available.   Click here to access the most current Grant Funding available for the DFW Region vs. Non-Regional Funding.

The next date of the Air Transportation Advisory Committee is to be determined.

Meetings go here

Aviation Resource Links
Aviation Weather  l  Federal Aviation Administration  l  Texas Department of Transportation, Aviation Division

Staff Contacts:  Ernest Huffman, Natalie Bettger