Existing Services
This page includes information on the transit services currently available in the North Central Texas Region. There are three transit authorities in the region: Trinity Metro, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, and Denton County Transportation Authority. In a metropolitan area as large as Dallas-Fort Worth, all transit partners large and small play a role in connecting people to their destination. Public transportation provides people in North Central Texas with access to essential opportunities, reduces the number of cars on the roads, relieves congestion for those who drive, and improves air quality for all. The most common transportation modes include buses, commuter rail, paratransit services, shuttles, and vanpool.
There are numerous public transportation providers in North Central Texas. Providers offer a wide range of services that vary by agency and location. Please contact the providers listed below for more information on available services.
Our region contains several vanpool programs that allow groups of riders to share a van, similar to the intent of a carpool. Click here to learn more.
The Texas Department of Transportation is an excellent resource for additional public transit information not found on our webpage. Click here to learn more.
For more information about existing transit services in the North Central Texas region, contact us at TOTeam@nctcog.org or contact a member of the Transit Team.