Roadway Safety Plan
The regional Roadway Safety Plan is the first region-wide plan to eliminate all fatalities on our roadways by 2050. The Roadway Safety Plan includes region-wide safety analyses to identify which crash types produce the most fatalities and serious injuries and then recommends countermeasures to prevent these crashes or reduce crash severity. Eight emphasis areas were identified as part of the plan:
- Speeding
- Distracted driving
- Impaired driving
- Intersection safety
- Bicyclist and pedestrian safety
- Roadway and lane departures
- Occupant protection (seatbelts)
- Motorcycles
The plan also identifies roadways with the highest history of fatal and serious injury crashes and scores those roadway segments as candidates for engineering upgrades or other safety countermeasures. The regional Roadway Safety Plan will serve as a guide for the implementation of future systemic safety projects and programs throughout the NCTCOG region as we work towards a goal of zero fatalities on our region’s roadways by 2050.
A1. Emphasis Area Data
A2. Countermeasure or Strategy Selection
A3. Additional High Injury Network Maps and Table
A4. Regional Transportation Council Region-wide Safety Program Funding Table
A5. Existing NCTCOG Safety Efforts
Staff contact: Michael Misantonis