Statewide Safety Initiatives
2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects (TXDOT)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) updated the 2022 Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Call for Projects for FY2024 - FY2027.
Dallas District | Fort Worth District |
Brandi Bush 214-320-6236 |
Paula Meyer 817-370-6888 |
Bahman Afsheen 214-320-6229 |
Theresa Poer 817-370-6615 |
Federico Hernandez 817-370-6928 |
The TxDOT HSIP is designed for highway safety projects that eliminate or reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes. It is limited to improvements that address the crash types identified in the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). Funds are provided for construction and operational improvements both on and off the state highway system. Funding is available statewide for this program and focuses primarily on improving safety and reducing severe crashes. Local governments are encouraged to work closely with their area or district offices to submit applications by the submittal deadline.
A copy of the presentation slides presented during the October 2023 Regional Safety Advisory Committee Meeting can be found here.
The 2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects closed December 15, 2023. More information on the 2023 HSIP Call, along with the TxDOT HSIP Manual can be found here:
- 2023 HSIP Guidance
- 2023 HSIP Submission Form Note: It is important that local governments complete the Submission Form for TxDOT informational purposes; all projects should be submitted with the form fields active. Please use "Save As" to save data in the form, and not "Print to PDF". (TxDOT District Office staff will be responsible for inputting the project information collected.)
2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects (TXDOT)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) updated the 2021 Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Call for Projects for FY2023 - FY2025.
TxDOT HSIP is designed for highway safety projects that eliminate or reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes. It is limited to improvements that address the crash types identified in the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). Funds are provided for construction and operational improvements both on and off the state highway system. Funding is available statewide for this program and focuses primarily on improving safety and reducing severe crashes. Local governments are encouraged to work closely with their area or district offices to submit applications by the submittal deadline.
A virtual joint informational meeting was held on October 5, 2022.
The 2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects closed December 15, 2023. More information on the 2023 HSIP Call, along with the TxDOT HSIP Manual can be found here. The video recording can be viewed here.
The 2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects closed December 17, 2022. More information on the 2022 HSIP call, along with the TxDOT HSIP Manual can be found here:
2021 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects (TxDOT)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) updated the 2020 Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Call for Projects for FY2022 - FY2025.
The TxDOT HSIP is designed for highway safety projects that eliminate or reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes. It is limited to improvements that address the crash types identified in the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). Funds are provided for construction and operational improvements both on and off the state highway system. Funding is available statewide for this program and focuses primarily on improving safety and reducing severe crashes. Local governments are encouraged to work closely with their area or district offices to submit applications by the submittal deadline.
A virtual joint informational meeting was held on October 21, 2021 for local entities. View the recorded meeting here.
The 2021 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects closed December 17, 2021. More information on the 2021 HSIP Call, along with the TxDOT HSIP Manual can be found here:
2020 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects (TxDOT)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) updated the 2020 Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Call for Projects for FY 2022 - FY 2024. The TxDOT HSIP is designed for highway safety projects that eliminate or reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes. The CFP was limited to improvements that address the crash types identified in the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). Funds were provided for construction and operational improvements both on and off the state highway system. Funding was available statewide for this program and focused primarily on improving safety and reducing severe crashes.
A virtual joint informational workshop was held July 14, 2020 for local entities.
Dallas District Four-Year Safety Plan
2020 HSIP Off-System Call: Safety Plans and HSIP Updates
The 2020 Highway Safety Improvement Program Call for Projects was updated effective June 8, 2020. More information on the 2020 HSIP Call, along with the TxDOT HSIP Manual can be found here:
2018 HSIP Approved Projects
TxDOT Dallas received approval on 46 projects for a total of $16,536,377.
TxDOT Fort Worth received approval on 21 projects for a total of $15,656,856.
Eligible categories for 2018 HSIP Call for Projects:
- Barriers and Safety Treat Fixed Object - Add or upgrade barrier or metal beam guard fence to safety treat a fixed object or drainage structures.
- Curves – Construct improvements on horizontal curves to prevent run-off the road and head-on crashes.
- Grade Separation – Construct a vertical separation of a highway intersection (conventional diamond interchange).
- HSIP (Misc. Safety) – Any safety improvement that addresses an emphasis area in the SHSP but is not categorized in one of the other seven categories.
- Intersection – Improvements to an intersection, such as signals, signage, lighting, and pedestrian improvements, other than a grade separation.
- Off-System – Any safety improvement to a road off the State highway system, which addresses an emphasis area in the SHSP. Intersections of off-system roads with on-system highways are not considered off-system projects. The local government is responsible for 10 percent of the funding.
- Rumble Strips - Add edgeline or centerline rumble strips to a highway to prevent run-off the road and head-on crashes.
- Widen – Increase paved surface width of rural highways with current pavement width less than 24 feet and ADT greater than or equal to 400 vehicles per day to provide from 26 feet to 28 feet of paved surface width.
Average Bid Prices as of 4/20/18
Additional resources:TxDOT HSIP information can be accessed on the Highway Safety Engineering Forms and Publications web page.
2017 HSIP Approved Projects
TxDOT Dallas received approval on 31 projects for a total of $25,208,101.
TxDOT Fort Worth received approval on 15 projects for a total of $4,042,584.