RTR Project Implementation Guidance

Implementing Local Entity Projects with RTR Funds

TxDOT, cities, counties and other transportation partners were recipients of RTR funds, and there are specific steps for initiating and implementing projects awarded RTR funds. Below are agreements and documents important to the process. 

Implementing Agencies must complete this checklist to ensure all steps have been taken to close the project with NCTCOG. Once the checklist and supporting documentation has been submitted, research for a letter of concurrence can be completed by NCTCOG. Agencies must return unexpended RTR funds and RTR interest monies to TxDOT within thirty days of NCTCOG concurrence.  A project shall not be determined to be complete by TxDOT until NCTCOG documents closeout concurrence.

         TxDOT Project Closeout Procedures, last updated on February 13, 2023


         For RTR projects with SOME OR ALL WORK ON the state highway system

         For RTR projects ENTIRELY OFF the state highway system

Environmental Review

Invoicing/Status Reporting

Entities implementing RTR funded projects are required to submit monthly reports to NCTCOG through the online reporting system (http://rtrinternal.nctcog.org) for each phase of each project awarded RTR funding.  The monthly reports should:

  • Reference the TxDOT CSJ and NCTCOG TIP code
  • Provide start and completion date estimates for each phase
  • Identify the Phase for which funds are being expended
  • Provide current period expenditures using RTR funds
  • Provide current period expenditures using local matching funds
  • Describe work completed during the current period
  • Note the percent of phase completed to date
  • Provide the interest rate earned during the current period on cash advance
  • Provide the dollar amount of interest earned on cash advance during the current period

Online Reporting Instructions [PDF]

Establishing a User Account for the Online Reporting System

NCTCOG has developed an online system for implementing agencies to submit monthly reports which can be found at https://rtr.nctcog.org.  Prior to submitting information using this system, a user account will need to be set up in the system.  To gain access to the system, please submit a letter signed by your City Manager or other appropriate official identifying the names and email addresses of any individuals who are authorized to report financial and project status data.  Please note that any authorized individuals for an entity will be able to report information for all projects implemented by that entity.

Letters authorizing use of the system may be submitted to:

Ken Bunkley
Principal Transportation Planner
North Central Texas Council of Governments
P.O. Box 5888
Arlington, Texas 76005-5888

Alternatively, letters may be scanned and emailed to Ken Bunkley.  Following receipt of a signed letter, an account will be established and users will receive an e-mail with information on how to log into the system.

Any reports submitted to NCTCOG prior to creation of the online reporting system will be entered into the online system by NCTCOG staff.  All future reports should be submitted using the online system.


RTR Workshops

On August 22, 2014, NCTCOG and TxDOT hosted a transportation project implementation workshop for our partners in the region.  The workshop included topics on:  identifying transportation needs, funding sources and funding eligibility, project selection, construction implementation guidelines, project tracking, and TxDOT/NCTCOG project close-out procedures.  Implementation of federally funded projects and RTR-funded projects was also discussed.   Implementation Workshop


On August 24, 2012, NCTCOG hosted two workshops:  A refresher on navigating through RAPTS and the Close-out Process for completed projects.  The first workshop also included fulfilling Environmental Review requirements, procedures for processing Sustainable Development infrastructure projects, entering invoices into the RAPTS system, and the required Status Reporting.  The second workshop focused on the close-out process when a project is completed.  Reporting requirements in the RAPTS system, close-out procedures for Sustainable Development projects, and reports TxDOT requires to finalize RTR-funded projects.

Both sessions were video recorded and can be viewed at the links below named "Video Recording" along with the "Presentation Documents" that contain the presentation and handouts for each session.