Test Grant 1

The 2022 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA Set-Aside) Call for Projects will open on July 18, 2022 for the urbanized area portion of the 12-county North Central Texas Region.  General types of projects eligible under this program include on-and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, multi-modal connections to existing rail stations, and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure associated with Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects that will substantially improve safety and the ability for students to walk and bicycle to school.  The Call for Projects will close on Friday, September 9, 2022 at 5 pm.  All paper and electronic copies of an application must be received by the deadline. No exceptions will be made. 

Application Workshop (for the North Central Texas Region):
An Application Workshop was held virtually on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.   At this workshop, NCTCOG staff reviewed the application submittal requirements for the Call for Projects, including eligible project categories, eligible entities to receive funding, evaluation and scoring priorities, and answered questions related to the application process. 
Workshop Presentation
Workshop Recording

To submit an application for the 2022 TA Set-Aside Call for Projects, download and complete an application below.  NCTCOG requires three paper copies of each application, plus all files on a USB drive. 

The 2022 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Call for Projects documents are now available for download!

Application Resources

NCTCOG and Mobility 2045 (2022 Update) Resources

Design Guidelines

Safe Routes to School Resources


Other Resources

Environmental Checklist Resources


2022 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Eligible Project Areas

2022 Transportation Alternatives Call for projects boundary map
Click on the image to be taken to the eligible project area map web page.