Enhanced Remote Sensing Performance Based Pilot Program
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has concluded their partnership with Environmental Systems Products (ESP) in administering the Enhanced Remote Sensing Performance Based Pilot Program in the North Central Texas nonattainment region. The Pilot Program was designed to utilize remote sensing technology to identify on-road gas and diesel high-emitting vehicles. This Pilot Program implemented three different sets of cut points for high-emitting vehicles, two of which are lower than cut points currently used by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS). The six-month Pilot Program included one dedicated remote sensing van with complete operational support to collect data on high emitting gas and diesel vehicles. ESP handled all data management and processing of reports requested by NCTCOG staff. The data included photographs of the offending smoking vehicles and identification of all gross emitters.
![This is an image of a road with cones and a caution sign with the text "Emission monitor ahead"](/getmedia/22f1c9dc-6766-4974-bb5c-cb7dc1331bc6/RemoteSensingPilotProg.jpg)
Provided literature to owners of high-emitting vehicles and/or vehicles in violation of Texas Transportation Code 547.605, and offered local solutions to address the vehicle's emissions-related issues
Provided data to support the inclusion of light-duty diesel vehicles in the State's annual emissions testing program
Provided data to support future pursuit of lower cut points for vehicles operating on Texas roadways
Increased data in NCTCOG’s Regional Emissions Enforcement Database
Once an offending vehicle was identified by a remote sensing van, a notice was generated and mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle explaining the Pilot Program in detail. The notice included a brochure explaining the Regional Smoking Vehicle Program and an application for the AirCheckTexas Drive a Clean Machine Program. Within 30 days of the notice, a survey was mailed to the owner inquiring about what type of action was taken to rectify the problem.
NCTCOG would like to thank Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Parker, and Tarrant Counties for utilizing portions of their respective Local Initiatives Project funding to enable NCTCOG to administer this Pilot Program in the North Central Texas region.
For more information on the Enhanced Remote Sensing Performance Based Pilot Program, please review the Program's Final Report.
Staff Contacts: Jason Brown and Chris Klaus