Pollution Prevention

Pollution prevention, or P2, is any practice that eliminates or reduces pollution at its source. P2 is achieved through material substitutions, process changes and more efficient use of resources. Pollution Prevention, also referred to as Good Housekeeping, is one of the six measures the operator of a Small MS4 is required to include in its stormwater management program.

Pollution prevention measures, as applied to local government operations, can result in multiple benefits:

  • Cost savings in production, materials and disposal
  • Increase public awareness of local water quality issues
  • Create safer working conditions for city/county staff, and
  • Your community leads by example, encouraging local businesses to implement their own pollution prevention measures.


NCTCOG Resources


EPA Resources

Fact Sheet on Stormwater Phase II - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Minimum Control Measure
Example Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping BMPs for Municipal Operations
Trash Stormwater Permit Compendium - A compendium of excerpted permit language from MS4 permits and other resources that can be used and/or tailored for trash specific MS4 permits. (Published April 2021)

TCEQ Resources

TPDES Stormwater Permitting for MS4s 
Preventing Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Guide to Pollution Prevention for Small Business 
Small Business and Local Government Assistance